
Privacy Policy (COOKIE POLICY)

Personal Data Protection Policy

Privacy Policy of NPE Industry (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Privacy Policy of www.npe.com When you enter the website www.npe.com, the information related to your access to the website will be collected. in the form of cookies This website uses cookies and other tools to distinguish your use of the website from those of other users, thereby giving you a good experience on the website. And help us to improve the quality of the website even better. If you continue to use this website You are deemed to have consented to us placing cookies on your computer.

What are cookies?

” Cookies are small files to store information about website visits such as date and time, links clicked, pages visited. These settings will be saved to your accessed computer and/or communication devices, such as notebooks, tablets or smartphones via your web browser while you log in. website The cookies will not cause harm to your computer equipment and/or communication devices. In the following cases Your personal information may be collected in order to enhance your experience of online services. It will remember the uniqueness of the language and customize the usage information according to your needs. It confirms the unique characteristics. your security information Including services that you are interested in Cookies are also used to measure online traffic. Personalizing content based on your usage based on previous and current browsing habits and may be for advertising purposes.

Collection of Personal Information

     We collect personal information to record your visits and access to the website; By making the website www.npe.com easier to remember your use of the website And this information will be used to improve the website www.npe.com to better meet your needs. To facilitate the speed of your use of the website, and in some cases www.npe.com requires third parties to assist in doing so. This may use Internet protocol addresses (IP Address) and cookies for statistical analysis. as well as linking information and processed for marketing purposes

                 For the convenience of providing services to all users who visit the website www.npe.com, the website therefore collects your personal information such as

  • Email Address
  • Name
  • Address or work place (Home or Work Address)
  • Zip Code (ZIP Code)
  • Telephone number (Telephone Number), etc.

               In the event that you apply (Sign up) to apply for membership or to use one of the services www.npe.com will collect additional personal information from you, including

  • Sex
  • Age (Gender)
  • favorite things/liking (Preferences/Favorites)
  • Interests
  • ID card number (ID Card Number)
  • Shipping Address (Tracking Address)

                In addition, to explore the popularity of using the service. This will be useful for using statistics to improve the quality of service www.npe.com therefore needs to collect some additional information from you as well, including

  • IP number (IP Address)
  • Type of browser (Browser Type)
  • Domain Name
  • save web page of the website the user visits (web page)
  • Time of visiting the website (Access Times)
  • Websites that the service user accessed before (Referring Website Addresses)

                www.npe.com We recommend that you review the privacy policies of other websites linked from this website. In order to know and understand how such websites collect, use or process your personal information, www.npe.com cannot support messages. Or endorse the actions as announced on the said website. and not taking any responsibility If those websites do not operate or take any action. according to the privacy policy posted by the said website

Use of personal information


                We will use the information we have about you in the following ways:

  1. verify that you have permission to access certain features
  2. help you access and use the services you have chosen.
  3. analyze user behavior and trends to improve and understand how users use our service
  4. create a collection of data that cannot be identified This will be used to make business decisions and optimize certain NPE services.
  5.  contact you :
  6. as you have asked us to do or to respond to any questions you send to us.
  7. Where necessary, we may need to notify you of changes or improvements to our Service.
  8. to send you booking confirmations and reminders announcements or newsletters that you subscribe to including sending to your mobile phone
  9. To send you marketing emails about our services or our partner's services from NPE's address when you have opted in or where permitted by law. You can unsubscribe from these emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link that appears at the bottom of the email.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ To sell or distribute to third parties is strictly prohibited. Unless authorized by you only in the event that www.npe.com has hired other agencies to process your personal information, such as postal parcel delivery. Statistical analysis of activities or activities of www.npe.com, etc. www.npe.com will require the agency that has hired to do so. Keep the confidentiality and security of your personal information. And to prohibit the use of such personal information outside of the activities or activities of www.npe.com.

Privacy Policy Updates

                www.npe.com may update or amend the privacy policy without prior notice to you, for the appropriateness and efficiency of providing services as follows: www.npe.com recommends that users read the privacy policy. Personal every time you visit or visit or use the service from the website www.npe.com, compliance with the privacy policy and contact with www.npe.com in case you have any questions, suggestions or complaints. watch any About Privacy Policy or compliance with this Privacy Policy www.npe.com is happy to answer any questions. listen to suggestions and comments This will be useful for improving the service of www.npe.com in the future. You can contact www.npe.com as shown below.


Contact place : Human Resources Department, NPE Industry (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

No. 29/5 Moo 2, Soi Bang Toei 4, Bangkok Noi - Nakhon Chai Si Road, Bang Toei Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province 73210

Phone : 02-889-5495

Fax : 02-482-2659

Email : manu@npe.co.th